Who we are

Dutch and Dunn is a thoughtful craft grocer bringing inspiration and top-quality ingredients to your home kitchen.  

We believe that cooking is a way to bring people together, explore cultures, and create something wholesome.

Whether it’s an elaborate weekend meal or a quick weekday bite, cooking creates lasting memories with the ones you love. 

Spices help bring that to the table.

  • We’re children of immigrants, from Jamaican and Caribbean heritage. Vibrant flavours are an integral part of our memories and the food of our people. When we started cooking at home more during the pandemic, we noticed the spices we bought weren’t as fresh as we’d like. We searched stores for different brands and varieties and discovered that spices only have an expiry — no packing date. With that knowledge, we started dreaming of creating a curated grocery store that emphasizes freshness, quality, and accessibility. Spices are our first step.

    Our name honours our heritage — it’s inspired by the Dutch pots and ovens we grew up watching our elders cook almost everything in. Including this element from both our backgrounds in our name felt fitting.

    We choose the best quality ingredients for our spices that allow us to honour culture and tradition. Our spices and seasonings allow an authentic, home-cooked meal to be prepared any day of the week, among life’s chaos. Our packaging is designed to look beautiful in every kitchen, take up as little space as possible, and be reused. Our subscription-based model allows you to purchase refill bags reducing clutter.

  • Dutch and Dunn began in our tiny Toronto kitchen over a dutch oven dinner and a bottle of wine. We, like so many others, have vibrant memories of our childhood kitchens — loved ones mixing without measuring, relentless seasoning, and the familiar melody of hummed tunes only heard in the kitchen. We wanted to create our own sweet memories in our home.

    We’re your typical Toronto couple, building our relationship around the city’s diverse food scene. Experiencing a new restaurant together deepened our relationship and soon we found ourselves wanting more — from our food and one another. We traded in our Friday nights on the town for grocery runs across the city and meals prepared together.

    With our busy lives, we savour the connection that takes place in the kitchen and find there’s something beautiful about pouring time and effort into creating and enjoying a meal together. We love experiencing Toronto’s food scene, but these quiet moments changed how we understood one another and ourselves. It’s from our love of cooking, building, and relating that we bring you Dutch and Dunn.

Welcome aboard our journey.

In our kitchen, we believe in lingering over a glass of wine and having a second slice of pie.

We believe that you can make that homemade pasta, even if you usually opt for frozen meals. Our spices and seasonings are hand-selected to bring people together, and we believe there’s room for everyone at the table. 

Join us, in community and conversation.

Seerlee and Gordon